Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lonely, I'm Mr. Lonely.

Aly has left for 2.5 weeks! She left to go to Iowa for a wedding and to help out at home a little. She has good motives and all, I'm just dying here! This is the longest we will have been away from each other since we met after my mission! It's crazy! Crazy Lonely! Good thing my school work has stepped in. I have a pretty intense schedule this semester, luckily, because my homework load hasn't let me have idle time quite yet. I love her and I miss her!

Friday, August 13, 2010

In Love!

Even though this time in our lives is the craziest and busiest time since the day we met, there also hasn't been a time when we have loved each other more! A mere phone call puts smiles on our faces and warmth in our hearts. We cherish the few hours each day when we get to spend time with each other. This is a testimony to me that, for the future, even when our lives get harder and crazier, our lives can be even more full of love and happiness one with another. Marriage ROCKS!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Becoming Domestic

So, we got 3 crock pots for our wedding and the other day I decided to make a pot roast on my own for the first time ever! It was pretty simple, and turned out great!!! The meat was super tender and the veggies were awesome too! Drew had to work so I asked what dessert he wanted and he said that he wanted the Warm Chocolate Melting Cake we had every night on our honeymoon. I just laughed and told him to be more realistic so he said cookies. Then when he went to work I looked up the cake recipe and found out its super easy and we had every ingredient but one. A quick trip to the store later, we had quite the meal, and best of all, Drew had no idea it was coming! So, I learned a lot about myself in the kitchen and have more confidence in it and also surprised my husband! Yay!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Concert and Lagoon!... ?

HOPEFULLY, we're looking at going to another SLC concert to see The Temper Trap this Wednesday for a double date! The only problem is... Can we get work off or not?!?!?! I'll tell ya, this whole work thing is killing us. :-P
The Temper Trap is a new band that got famous mostly because of their hit "sweet disposition" which aired on the movie soundtrack for "500 days of summer". They are awesome!
PLUS we've been invited to go to the Lagoon for the first time, ever! But... once again, will we be able to get off both of our works? I never thought it would be so difficult! Freakin' food industry!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Work Work Work

We just got our schedules for the week! Both of us are scheduled to work over 30 hrs this week and at different times! This is a big change from the relaxing first weeks on our Carribean Cruise, and at Lake Powell! Wow, I guess thats just what happens! I'll tell you one thing though, one person really hates this new "WORK ALOT" mentality... can you guess who?

Two months and counting!!!

We've passed up the two month mark! Marriage for us is great. We hear many people saying things like "marriage is difficult, but rewarding", and "the first while is difficult"... but we're happy to say that our marriage is flourishing! We have decided together that as long as one person in the relationship gives in a little, there is very little contention. This works for us! Marriage rocks!!! :-D

Monday, June 28, 2010

One Month!

So, today is our one month anniversary of being married...I can't believe it has gone by so fast!

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Start of Our Little Family

Well, Drew and I have been married for 4 weeks today! Yay! We were just looking through my cousin's blogs and figured we might as well start one for ourselves for everyone to follow! :) We hope you enjoy watching our family flourish!