Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Catching You Up

Well, it has been quite a while since we have written on here. A lot has changed since our last post so I'll get you all caught up here. :) Well, I got back from my trip at home safe and sound and then Drew and I were able to go home again for Thanksgiving and it was so much fun to get to see everyone again and to have more of my family meet Drew and have him get involved with everyone. While we were home we were really happy to find out that we are pregnant!!! Yay! I am 13 weeks now and am so excited! I have been really sick with the morning sickness all day long lol but I am now on a new medication that has been helping me a ton! We also moved right before Christmas into Drew's family's basement and it has been great! There is the short side of what has been going on with us, we will try to be batter about writing more often! :)